Company Overview
Company Overview
Our work ensures the commitment to assure quality information with comfort, dream and hope for your life.
And we aim to provide a place to work and education for those who seek work all over the world.
■ Business Content
  • Planning and production of websites and videos
  • Proposal of unique marketing plans
  • Providing and processing the information generated from the utilization of internet, other communicational network and various medias
  • On-line shopping service and settlement of payment utilizing internet, other communicational network and various medias
  • Planning, production and distribution of music, drama, dance, sports and other various contents
  • Marketing service utilizing internet, other communicational network and various medias
  • Planning and production of printed matter
■ Principles of Management
We always maintain quality in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain modesty in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always respect everyone in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain sincerity toward everyone in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain decency toward everyone in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain neutrality in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain self-control in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain equality in our speech, conduct and behavior.
We always maintain objectivity in our speech, conduct and behavior.
■ Statement
We assure quality information with comfort, dream and hope for your life.
And we aim to provide a place to work and education for those who seek work all over the world.
We will also contribute to the realization of the world peace.
■ Principles of interaction of the employees and associates toward the users, clients, people who are influenced by the service, and the stakeholders in our company or in our group
Our goal is to provide enjoyable information for the users while employees and associates in our company or in our group also enjoy their lives in their roles. In order to establish such an environment, employees and associates will work without any bias toward the difference of race, nationalities and religions. If they work, asking themselves how satisfying or how meaningful it is for their own lives, the essence of such work will be reflected in their product. How can an employee or associate strive to bring truly meaningful and gratifying information for the users without such passion in their work?

It is important to note that all of the people involved in our company or group are equally treated regardless of their role in the office or as a part-time employee. There is no vertical hierarchy as individuals. The only difference is the fact each person is in charge of a different field, and the working conditions are set accordingly
■ Please give us comments on what topics you want on our site.
Request / inquiry→Here
■ Company Overview
Name: Enjoy Life Inc.
Address: 〒104-0061
2nd floor, Sagami Building
7-13-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Establishment: May 16, 2018
Representative Director:
Chief Financial Officer
Kazuhiro Morita
Chief Executive Officer
Koji Noda